Studio Mint
Move - Inspire - Nourish - Transform
The studio MINT experience offers an exclusive one-on-one support where your own goals are key.
A personally tailored programme is designed from the following areas:
- Individual counselling: creating your personal health, lifestyle and fitness analysis
- Holistic Training: specific agility, strength, endurance, and coordination exercises
- Balanced exercise programme: between physical activity and recreation, suitably adapted to your daily routine and busy schedule
- Relaxation: recognizing body signals, breathing exercises and conscious application of relaxation techniques
- Dietary advice: enjoying healthy nutrition and weight management
- Massage: Thai Yoga Massage, Sports Massage and Cranio-sacral treatment
A balanced combination of exercise, nutrition and relaxation is essential for long-term and pleasing achievements. MINT offers a professional and individualised care programme to ensure that your goals are effectively and permanently realised.
Your personal trainer gives what she lives. Her long-term experience ensures she offers versatile and challenging training concepts in every workout, without neglecting any aspects of overall health.
Answers to practical questions such as what choice of doctor or what sport equipment to purchase are also included in the skill area of your personal trainer.
In short: your well-being is professionally and competently supported at Studio MINT by both words and deeds!